Sunday, February 6, 2011


I created this print for Sorren's work's Christmas Party Auction. I was really excited, I had a great idea for a print and a lot of time to do it. I wasn't being paid or anything but I thought this would be a great way to put together something fun.
I started with the idea of the magician and the magic pouring out of his hat. Next came the part I really liked, out of the bottom of the hat comes another magician sombrely pulling a rabbit out of the hat. This is the sort of seemingly easy part of the print that made me feel really great about the print. I had once read a biography of Philip K. Dick and it said he couldn't avoid adding that twist at the end, just something that sealed the story and added that dark joke at the end. That's where 90% of my joy for this print was derived- rabbit, magic sure sure - but the bottom of the hat revealing a magician with a single rabbit was where all my attention went. I even like to imagine unimpressed children not paying attention, or worse just crying and screaming for cake.

After two weeks of working and getting this together, this is the best I got. My lines were too thin, I also think my screens mesh is too loose to get the line quality I want. Mounting issues made me miss my deadline and extend it to the night before it was due. As I worked on it again, I decided to get rid of the canvas and just do it on a piece of paper. I tried it printing the magic gradient at the top, it didn't work. I was so frustrated I smashed my screen while cleaning it for another go; don't worry I can fix it. But I realized for this one I am the bottom magician, trying to get the trick just right, and still not feeling the magic.

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